Heubach in Figures

Facts & Figures

Rural District (in German: Landkreis) / Region

For general information about the structure of the administration in Baden-Württemberg, please refer to the homepage of the state:   http://www.baden-wuerttemberg.de/en/our-state/state-administration

  • Landkreis:
    With its surface area of 1.512 km², the Ostalb is the third largest of the 35 rural districts of Baden-Württemberg, and the largest one in the administrative region of Stuttgart. In terms of population, its 315.661 citizen (as of 31.12.2006) rank it on the 9th place in Baden-Württemberg.
  • Region:
  • District reorganisation of 1971 (in German: Gebietsreform): Incorporation of the community of Lautern
  • Mayor (= Bürgermeister)
    Dr. Joy Alemazung

Municipal Surface Area

  • Surface area of Heubach:
    1.955 ha
  • Surface area of Lautern:
    626 ha
  • Total land area:
    2.581 ha
  • Percentage of settlement area:
    11,6 %
  • Woodland area:
    45,4 %


  • Total population
    9.660 (Situation of 2014)