
Town Administration of Heubach

Stadtverwaltung Heubach
Hauptstraße 53
73540 Heubach
Fax (0 71 73) 1 81-49

District office Lautern

Rosensteinstraße 46
73540 Heubach-Lautern
Telefon (0 71 73) 89 41
Fax (0 71 73) 92 91 00

Click here to see our opening hours.

Statistics about Baden-Württemberg

The homepage of the state office of statistics of BW. In Germany, this office is called “Statistisches Landesamt”. Here you can find, among other data, information about the population, earnings, agriculture, education, culture, tourism, energy, environment and economy.

Go to the homepage of the Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg. Currently available in German only.